Okay, enough ranting for awhile. Instead, I’m going to test drive some information management tactics, to see if I can nudge myself towards serenity.
In Field Experiment #1, I’m going to adopt an “attitude of gratitude.” Which means that for every piece (or onslaught) of information that makes me tense up, I’m going to find something to feel thankful for before I work myself into a tizzy. Let’s walk through some examples:
Stimulus: I receive twelve emails before 7:00 a.m. from my kids' elementary school.
Response: I feel grateful that my kids are part of a vibrant school community.
Stimulus: I’m overwhelmed by a huge pile of investment statements.
Response: I give thanks that I’m able to invest in the American economy.
Stimulus: I pathetically juggle competing commitments during a busy weekend.
Response: I am thankful that we're involved in so many interesting activities.
True, those read like Pollyanna wrested control of my laptop. But it might just work. Of course, I'm not urging gratitude for dire information like subpoenas or eviction notices. Just the stuff that gets us a little worked up.
To remind myself to feel thankful, I’ve stuck Post-Its around the house that simply say, “Thank you.” I’ve hung them in high stress zones – over my computer, by the table where the mail is dumped, etc. The Post-Its will stay up at least until this weekend (we’re expecting dinner guests who may mistake them for etiquette cue cards). I’ll report back on my progress next week. Anyone else want to give this a whirl?
This is fantastic! I've been struggling with information overload in a whole new way since I launched my own business. Everything you're expressing in this blog made me nod my head! Thanks for saying what I've been feeling. Looking forward to reading more!